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Coyotiv School of Software Engineering


About Coyotiv School of Software Engineering

Location: Online

Coyotiv School of Software Engineering is the next generation, remote software engineering education designed to make you a first-class software engineer from scratch. We teach you the mentality of modern software engineering, so you can be familiar with... Read More

With our unique approach, you’ll learn by working on your dream project, from day 1. You will be working on it for 13 weeks, instead of just 2 or 3, and we will be there to support you. At the end of the course, you will finalize your project and be ready to launch products on your own. This enables you to put a real-life application into practice.

Financial Options
Installments: With this financial option, you can pay an initial deposit, then split the rest of your tuition into installments with no additional interest.
Bildungsgutschein: If you are a resident in Germany and eligible, a Bildungsgutschein can cover %100 of the cost of the course.
Income Share Agreement (ISA): With an ISA, you can focus on your software engineering education at Coyotiv, while CHANCEN eG takes care of your tuition fees. Once you start working in a company or establish your own startup, you start making income-based repayments.


Full-Time Full-Stack Software Engineering

Cost: €8,000
Duration: 13 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

You will learn the skills to become an entry-level full-stack software engineer and get access to dedicated career services in this innovative and intensive 13 week online program. You will be a part of a thriving and diverse community of people in technology and receive individual attention from our instructors. Coyotiv teaches you the best practices of modern web development with full-stack JavaScript technologies including Node.js, Vue and MongoDB. We empower you to become independent software engineers and your skills will be transferable to other web technologies such as React and SQL databases.

Coyotiv has additional trainings on career building, interviewing, and careers options in tech.

Here are a couple of examples:

JS101: Object Oriented Programming with JavaScript

LEAN101: Introduction to Lean Practices & Kanban

LEAN201: Prototyping with Balsamiq

SW102: SOLID Principles I

SW103: UML Diagrams & PlantUML Applications

DB201: Introduction to MongoDB and Mongoose ODM

CICD301: Deployment with Google Cloud Run

FE208: Vue.js Components and Single Page Applications

FE202: Flexbox and the Grid

WEB303: Accessibility

BE304: Publishing your own library to NPM

DB401: MongoDB Aggregation

SW302: Event Driven Architecture

FE401: GUI Architectures

SW401: Design Patterns I

Upcoming full-time cohort dates: Coyotiv's next full-time software engineering cohort begins on September 18, 2023 and ends on December 19, 2023.

MongoDB, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Vue.js, Node.js, JavaScript

Self-Paced Full-Stack Software Engineering

Cost: €5,000
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Our self-paced program provides the same quality content and curriculum as our fulltime and part-time courses, but you can make progress on your skills at your own speed. It's ideal for self-driven novice coders with unpredictable schedules. Throughout the 12 months, you will have access to more than 100 hours of lecture records and a virtual co-working space for self-paced students. If you are still trying to figure out if Coyotiv is right for you, the self-paced course is a great way to find out. If you wish, you will be able to upgrade your program to part-time or full-time courses.

Up to 12 months
- 100% flexible
- Access more than 100 hours of lecture records
- The same quality content as our full-time course
- 24/7 online support

MongoDB, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Vue.js, Node.js, JavaScript

Coyotiv School of Software Engineering Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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5.0/5 (12 reviews)

Neslihan Kara
Software Engineer | Graduated: 2021


Full-Time Full-Stack Software Engineering



Job Support

"Observations of a full-time student from cohort-4"

I have just graduated from Coyotiv (literally 3 days ago). I was a full-time student so if you have seen the website you know what that means: a madness for 8+ hours a day FOR 13 WEEKS! This is way easier said than done but after the course is finished,... Read More

Paloma Andrade de Oliveira
Software Engineer | Graduated: 2020


Full-Stack Software Engineering



Job Support

"All you need to know in depth, to become a solid software engineer, with the greatest support and mentorship"

If today I am software engineer is because of this school. A fantastic one o one support that teaches you about the career path, not just coding. An impressive didactic (which is pretty rare to find in dev environments) and curriculum teaches you how... Read More

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