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About RevoU

Location: Online

RevoU is an online academy teaching motivated individuals the skills they need to launch and accelerate their career in the tech industry.

Our programs start with practical training, where students learn directly from leading professionals working at top... Read More

All RevoU classes are interactive, 100% online and outside of business hours.


Full-Stack Data Analytics

Duration: 14 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

In the Full-Stack Data Analytics Program, students will learn the fundamentals of data analytics, mastering functions & query in Excel and Spreadsheets, A/B testing, advanced SQL, Phyton programming, data visualization with Tableau, and pitching with data storytelling.

Students will be prepared to launch and grow their careers as qualified Data Analysts that matched the industry's demand.

Cost: IDR 15,000,000-20,000,000

A/B Testing, Python, Data Analytics, SQL, Data Visualization, Excel

Full-Stack Digital Marketing

Duration: 14 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Students learn the fundamentals to be a professional digital marketer from measuring performance, budgeting, analytics, paid search, social media ads, SEO, content marketing, social media management and CRM. The program is suitable for career changers, entrepreneurs, university students, and anyone interested to acquire in-demand skills to future-proof their career.

IDR 13.000.000-16.000.000

SEO, Social Media Marketing, Data Analytics, Digital Marketing

Full-Stack Product Management

Duration: 14 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

In the Full-Stack Product Management program, students learn the fundamentals of being a professional product manager: from understanding company product vision & strategy, conducting research, product experimentation, product launch & go-to-market strategy, stakeholders management and OKR & metrics

Students will be prepared to launch and grow their careers as qualified Product Management professionals that matched the industry's demand.

Tuition: IDR 13,000,000-16,000,000

Product Mgmt

Full-Stack Software Engineering

Cost: 30,000,000
Duration: 26 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

In the Full-Stack Software Engineering program, students learn the fundamentals of being a professional software engineer: from the fundamentals of Web Development, Computer Programming, Source Code Management, Backend Dev, Frontend Design, Database, Web Security, up to Deployment & Integration.
Students will be prepared to launch and grow their careers as qualified Software Engineer professionals that matched the industry's demand.

Tuition cost: IDR 30,000,000

RevoU Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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4.93/5 (68 reviews)

Joanne LT
Graduated: 2024


Full-Stack Data Analytics



Job Support

"Transformative Learning"

CendekiAwan - AWS Cloud Data Engineer And Gen AI Track Powered By RevoU

I'm really thankful for the opportunity to join this independent study program at RevoU, majoring in AWS Cloud Data Engineering and Gen AI. I have learned so much here, not only gaining... Read More

The program's well-structured curriculum and supportive learning environment have made it an enriching journey. The practical, hands-on approach to learning has significantly boosted my confidence and competence in cloud data engineering and AI technologies. The networking opportunities and collaborative projects have also been invaluable, allowing me to connect with like-minded individuals and expand my professional network.

Overall, this program has been a transformative experience that has equipped me with the skills and insights needed to excel in the tech industry. I am immensely grateful for this opportunity and excited about the future possibilities it has opened up for me. Thank you, RevoU, for this incredible journey!

Arya Ayu Candra Tri Parayani
Graduated: 2024




Job Support

"Independent study (MSIB) experience"

Selama kurang lebih 6 bulan melaksanakan program MSIB di RevoU, RevoU telah berhasil menyusun pembelajaran dengan sangat tertata sehingga mahasiswa dari berbagai jurusan dapat belajar bersama-sama dan tidak tertinggal dari mereka yang sebelumnya telah... Read More

Nafi`ah Sholikhatun Jamil
Graduated: 2024




Job Support

"Data Analytics and Software Engineering program"

For anyone interested in a job in these sectors, I heartily suggest RevoU's curriculum in software engineering and data analytics. The program provides a thorough and updated curriculum that complies with the needs of the working world. The instructors... Read More

Data Analytics & Software Engineering | Graduated: 2024




Job Support

"very good"

As a student participating in the MSIB Independent Study program at Revolusi Cita Edukasi, I'd like to share my experience with the Data Analytics and Software Engineering program at RevoU.

Overall, I'm satisfied with the program. It has significantly... Read More

Here's a breakdown of my experience:


Comprehensive and Up-to-Date Curriculum: The program covers relevant topics that align with current industry demands.
Experienced Instructors: The instructors are practitioners in data analytics and software engineering, providing real-world examples and insights.
Effective Learning Methods: The program incorporates various learning methods, including lectures, discussions, hands-on exercises, and projects.
Supportive Community: I felt well-supported by my peers and instructors throughout the program.

Overall, I highly recommend the Data Analytics and Software Engineering program at RevoU for those seeking a career in these fields. It provides a solid foundation in both areas, preparing you to become a job-ready professional.

Kholid Fauzy
Graduated: 2024


Full-Stack Data Analytics



Job Support

"RevoU X Kampus Merdeka"

RevoU is the best choice for those who want to take control of their own digital learning. With a focus on practical learning, intensive mentorship, and industry connections, this program can help participants achieve their career goals more effectively.... Read More

Habsi Bintang Ubaidillah Arifin
Data Analyst | Graduated: 2024


Full-Stack Data Analytics



Job Support

"Data Analyst and Software Engineering"

Kegiatan Studi Independen program Data & Software Engineering di RevoU yang telah dilakukan selama lima bulan dari tanggal 15 Februari sampai 17 Juni, merupakan media bagi penulis untuk mempelajari dua bidang besar yaitu Data Analytics dan Software Engineering.... Read More

Yuninda Intan
Graduated: 2024




Job Support

"Belajar di RevoU Menyenangkan"

Seneng banget selama mengikuti program studi independen dengan RevoU. Bisa ketemu Instruktur, Section Manager, dan Mentor yang sangat helpful dan seru banget. Materinya bisa diakses kapan saja dan dimana saja bahkan setelah lulus dari RevoU. Thank you... Read More

Eka Fitriyanti
Student | Graduated: 2021




Job Support

"incredibly worth it to be part of this"

During my time in the MSIB program at RevoU, I've found the learning activities to be incredibly beneficial. Modules like Data Analytics and Software Engineering have been particularly crucial in today's digital era. I feel grateful to have completed... Read More

Bella Audrey Zadia
Graduate | Graduated: 2024




Job Support

"Study Independent: Kampus Merdeka x RevoU Tech Academy Batch FEB'24"

Saya sangat senang dapat berbagi pengalaman luar biasa setelah menyelesaikan Study Independent: Kampus Merdeka x RevoU Tech Academy Batch FEB'24 selama 5 bulan. Program ini sangat luar biasa dan memberikan dampak positif yang besar bagi perkembangan keterampilan... Read More

Analis Data :
RevoU Tech Academy benar-benar memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang analisis data. Dari pengolahan data, visualisasi, hingga analisis statistik, semua pengajaran dengan cara yang sangat terstruktur dan mudah dipahami. Saya sangat terbantu dengan proyek-proyek nyata yang membuat saya dapat menerapkan teori langsung ke dalam praktik. Pengalaman ini telah meningkatkan kepercayaan diri saya dalam menggunakan berbagai alat analitik.

Software Engineering :
Kurikulum Software Engineering di RevoU sangat komprehensif. Mulai dari dasar-dasar pemrograman hingga pengembangan aplikasi yang lebih kompleks, semuanya disampaikan dengan sangat baik. Saya mempelajari berbagai bahasa pemrograman seperti Python dan JavaScript, serta prinsip-prinsip penting dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak. Bimbingan dari para mentor yang berpengalaman di industri sangat membantu saya dalam memahami konsep-konsep yang lebih sulit.

Pengembangan Karir :
Salah satu aspek yang paling saya apresiasi dari program ini adalah dukungan karir yang luar biasa. RevoU tidak hanya fokus pada pengembangan keterampilan teknis, tetapi juga sangat memperhatikan kesiapan karir kami. Saya mendapatkan pelatihan yang sangat berharga tentang cara membuat CV yang menarik, strategi pencarian kerja, serta persiapan wawancara. Selain itu, adanya sesi coaching dan networking dengan industri profesional membuka banyak peluang karir bagi saya.

Secara keseluruhan, pengalaman saya di RevoU Tech Academy sangat memuaskan. Program ini sangat direkomendasikan bagi siapa saja yang ingin mengembangkan keterampilan di bidang teknologi dan mempersiapkan diri untuk karir yang sukses. Terima kasih, RevoU, atas pengalaman belajar yang dberharga dan tak terlupakan ini!

Dhiya Izdihar H
Student | Graduated: 2024




Job Support

""Study Independent : Kampus Merdeka x RevoU Tech Academy Batch FEB'24""

While studying at RevoU about data analysis, software engineering, and career development, I felt wow, even though I come from a background that studies data and am very interested in data analysis, the material provided definitely felt new. I also learned... Read More

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