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About Yotta Academy

Location: Paris

Yotta Academy's Machine Learning Engineering bootcamp is the new state-of-the-art training every data enthusiastic dreams about. A bridge between research centers, data labs and companies. It is a high profile program designed by the best professional... Read More

This bootcamp mixes carefully selected profiles -recent graduates (minimum Master's degree in maths, physics, computer science, stats), young professionals and PhDs, all of them data experts with high potential- and turns them into operational ML engineers in just 4 months.


Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp

Cost: €7,000 - €10,000
Duration: 16 weeks
Locations: Paris
In-person Only
Course Description:

Basics: intensive upskilling of the cohort on maths, CS and programing
> Linux, Bash, Git & Gitlab application, Advanced Python, Linear Algebra, Probabilities, Bayesian statistics, SQL & Postgre application, Intro to architecture

Data Science: mastering of fundamentals in Data Science, from classic ML algorithms to state-of-the-art Deep Learning and NLP and also focused on models interpretability.
> Machine Learning: Scikit Learn, Pipelines, SHAP
> Deep Learning: TensorFlow, PyTorch
> NLP & NLU: NLTK, Gensim, Dialogflow, SpaCy, Transformers, etc.

Engineering: extensive overview and practice of tools, skills and best practices in developing that any MLE should master
> Devops for Data Science: Gitlab CI/CD, Pytest, Docker, Kubernetes
> Cloud Computing: GCP & AWS applications
> Big Data Processing: Spark, ElasticSearch, DASK, NoSQL and NewSQL
> MLOPs & Model Lifecycle management: MLflow, Model drifting detection

Soft Skills: understand the role of a MLE in a company, be aware of what's at stakes in an AI ecosystem, acquire the necessary skills to navigate efficiently in project development
> Data & companies: ethics, GDPR, Factory Data
> Agile training

+ Individual and group projects sessions and case studies

Linux, Git, Github, PostgreSQL, Bash, Python, Machine Learning, SQL, Tensorflow, Data Science, Big Data

Yotta Academy Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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5.0/5 (11 reviews)

Data Scientist - MLE | Graduated: 2023


Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp



Job Support

"Excellente formation en data science"

Excellente formation en data science permettant de maîtriser des projets IA du commencement jusqu’au déploiement. Les formateurs sont de haut niveau et impliqués dans leur cours, ils transmettent les bonnes pratiques et les méthodes concrètes pour évoluer... Read More

Elhadji Gagny
Machine Learning Engineer | Graduated: 2020


Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp



Job Support

"Probably the best decision I made regarding my future career path."

I was fortunate enough to have worked two quite complementary worlds; machine learning through my training and software dev in startup. Then I quickly realized that I needed a solid enough training to standardize everything and learn new concepts much... Read More

Being able to master the entire production chain of artificial intelligence, from architecture, to production going through the development of models, quickly seemed essential to me. And that's how I came across Yotta, who delivered it all in a condensed formula, thought out by engineers at the forefront of their field.

After a few months, I came out with a more solid base of skills (cloud computing, engineering & soft skills) and enabled me today
to expand the possibilities, my vision of AI was completely upset.

Besides the professional experience, Yotta is a very rich human experience with lots of meetings and discussions that will make you understand that ML engineering is the sexiest new job of the 21st century.

Machine Learning Engineer | Graduated: 2020


Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp



Job Support

"Yotta Academy, la formation qu'il vous faut absolument !"

Fraichement diplomée d’un master 2 en data science, j’ai eu l’opportunité de rejoindre la Yotta Academy, un bootcamp qui permet de comprendre les nombreux concepts de la Data Science mais également l’industrialisation des modèles en production.

Ce bootcamp... Read More

Chaque profil de la Yotta Academy est différent, ce qui en fait une force, il y a une réelle montée en compétence grâce aux enseignants mais également grâce aux personnes qui composent cette promotion.

Je recommande avec plaisir cette formation car elle vous prépare à devenir un Machine Learning Engineer.

Juan Alandete
Data Scientist - ML Engineer | Graduated: 2020


Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp



Job Support

"This is not another random bootcamp. This mid to advanced ML Engineering program will get you ahead of the pack."

This four-month intense training in Machine Learning Engineering is unique in its kind in Europe. On the one hand, you will get the state-of-the-art techniques in ML, and on the other hand, you will receive full hands-on experience from the fields experts.... Read More

The perfect dose of practice and theory dictated by the companies needs was meticulously incorporated into the curriculum, so you can be sure that at the end of the program you will be fully operational and you will provide real added value to the data projects.

If you plan to spend some time learning the basics, keep walking and choose a bootcamp for the masses. If you want to gain significant competitive advantage in the market, Yotta Academy is your correct choice.

Machine Learning Engineer | Graduated: 2020


Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp



Job Support

"Probably the only program with this level of state of the art machine learning and production skills combined"

I was in the middle of a career change and I think I made the best decision joining Yotta Academy's MLE Bootcamp! I highly recommend it for people like me who want to change their career path after a few years of experience. I did not want to lose in... Read More

If you are looking for a basic "data science Bootcamp" to just test the water and see if you like it, this is probably not for you. However, if you have made your decision and want to give yourself the best chance to succeed you have found the way.

Data Scientist | Graduated: 2020


Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp



Job Support

"Great boot camp to be operational in all aspects of Machine Learning model deployment."

As a young PhD in Physics, I was looking for a program that would facilitate my reconversion towards Data Science. The Yotta Academy fulfilled this role perfectly.
Not only are the ML mathematics and algorithms treated in depth, but they are also introduced... Read More

Jonathan TRICARD
Data Scientist - MLE | Graduated: 2020




Job Support

"La Yotta? Une formation qui vous laisse sans voix!"

La Yotta Academy est une formation parfaite pour consolider des connaissances déjà présente en Data Science et les approfondir, améliorer ses compétences en programmation, à travers l'apprentissage des bonnes pratiques et une forte mise en pratique, mais... Read More

Machine Learning Engineer | Graduated: 2020




Job Support

"Formation excellente, de grande qualité et un programme très complet"

Ayant un parcours professionnel en ingénierie logicielle et voulant me recentrer sur la Data Science et son écosystème technique, j'ai investi du temps à chercher la meilleure formation, j'ai découvert le 'Bootcamp Machine Learning Engineering' de Yotta.... Read More

Une formation complète qui intègre l'état de l'art des compétences en machine learning requises par les entreprises.

A titre d'exemple:

- La modélisation et la gestion du cycle de vie des modèles

- Le cloud computing

- le devops pour la Data Science

- Les framework big data  

- Ainsi que les soft skills

Une qualité supérieure d'enseignement dispensée par les professionnels les plus doués dans leurs domaines et enrichie par un retour d'expérience des besoins du marché du travail.

L'acquisition des compétences se fait d'une manière efficace, des projets et des cas d'usage du "monde réel des entreprises" viennent consolider durablement les connaissances.

Un suivi personnalisé et une disponibilité sans limite de la part du corps enseignant et des encadrants.

Une passion sans faille pour le partage des connaissances.

Je suis très ravi de ma formation et je la recommande vivement.

Machine Learning Engineer | Graduated: 2020




Job Support

"Le programme parfait et complet pour maitriser le machine learning en production"

Le bootcamp MLE de la Yotta Academy offre une formation inédite pour maitriser le machine learning en phase de production. C’est une formation unique dans son genre : d’abord parce que c’est une formation complète qui aborde tous les aspects et les techniques... Read More

Machine Learning Engineer | Graduated: 2020


Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp



Job Support

"Une formation excellente pour être opérationnel et appréhender les futures missions du Machine Learning Engineer en toute confiance !"

La formation MLE de Yotta permet de maîtriser à un niveau avancé les concepts de Data Science et d’industrialisation des modèles. On apprend à concevoir et à mettre en production des algorithmes d’IA. Le cursus a été pensé selon les attentes et les besoins... Read More

Le rythme des cours, TPs et projets est particulièrement soutenu. Chaque matière est dispensée par un professionnel spécialisé du domaine en poste. Ces derniers enseignent les outils qu’ils utilisent quotidiennement. Ils sont donc au courant des dernières avancées, des atouts et des limites. Cela permet de connaître également les attentes des futurs clients et employeurs. Enfin, ils partagent leurs expériences du terrain ajoutant ainsi une vraie plus-value à la formation. Une application concrète est réalisée au travers de 3 projets en groupe.

Les trois grands domaines (basics, data science et engineering) couvrent l’ensemble des compétences nécessaires pour un Machine Learning Engineer.

Enfin, l’accent est porté sur la qualité et l’organisation du code produit afin qu’il puisse être intégré à l’architecture IT existante.

Person thinking

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