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Reviewer Name Review Body
Frank Taylor When I made the choice to make a career pivot into big data, I had a lot of challenges having been outside of any programming or development in many years. Zipfian was perfect for someone like myself. I had the skills but lacked the industry know-how and latest tools. I found my investment in Zipfian training to be one of the best choices I've made in my adult career. I'm 40 and have a pretty eclectic professional career. A boot camp approach to learning the latest tools and approaches for Data Science is ideal for a professional who has some programming, stats, etc.. The program is intense so be ready to give over your life for most of the 12 weeks. But on average, I learned more at Zipfian in any given 30 minute window than I would in a week at University. You can often receive answers when you're mumbling out loud and a classmate or instructor hears you! Having real people around you is a huge advantage to anything you will ever do online. No joke! A lot of that has to do with the boot camp environment, all day sprints that really take you into the night :). You have a team of 15 or so classmates doing the exact same thing at the same time. You are mimicking a job environment in the way you are immersed in the projects. The other aspect was being constantly surrounded by such knowledgeable people. Jonathan has to be one of the most patient and skilled instructors. Same can be said for Ryan, Oren. They also bring regular guests to speak, teach, and do presentations. The networking aspect was very valuable. As far as job placement, I can only speak for myself. I had various offers and was signed and ready to go before we even graduated. Zipfian gave me the confidence to go in and rock all my interviews. I highly recommend it as long as you have the prereqs under your belt. I had them and still felt very challenged. Good luck!
Paul Minton I was in Zipfian Academy's first cohort and I think it was worth every penny. Jonathan, Ryan, and the rest of the team provided high quality instruction and guidance on even the newest technologies that I now use every day. They also coached me on how to make myself the best possible candidate for any job through resume reviews, interview prep, and networking. Finally, their network of partners provided an easy in to some really awesome companies, one of which I now work for. I would definitely consider Zipfian to be a high end alternative education program. Their team is doing it right.