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Reviewer Name Review Body
Samuel Robertson My name is Sam Robertson, I’m a full stack developer at Revolution Messaging. Ever heard of Bernie Sanders? That was the company that helped drive the donation platform and I get to be a part of its’ future. I graduated from PennState in PA in 2015 with a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and decided that I wanted to do something different. I love my degree, a hard science will always help you along the way, but I chose to go to Coding House to get the knowledge and experience I needed to get the kind of job I wanted. Fun fact, I have a D in MATLAB programming from my junior year of college. Turns out you need the right push and right interest to move you along. I now work from home for my company and could not be happier with my decision. Coding House is 90% your effort, 10% on them. Not saying the staff isn’t hard working, these are some of the hardest working people I’ve ever met. What I mean is that what you do at Coding House and how you end up at the end of the program are your responsibility. The instructors are challenging, always ready to help and want you to be able to teach yourself by the end. They will provide stepping stones the first weeks then move you onto more difficult tasks in which you will start having to find the answers. These are people that want you to succeed, I’m proof it can be done. The first half is intense and long, but I loved every minute of it. Stressful, tiring, on two cups of coffee by 10am is hard, but it’s more effective than any college lecture I’ve been to. Good thing you aren’t alone, everyone is struggling the same, and when you are struggling you are learning. The instructor starts out with small examples of a technology, the basics of how something should work. Then it’s up to you to try and repeat and enhance what they did. Solutions at the end of the problem session are effective, as if you didn't’ pick up what you did wrong, you can see why and not miss it next time. The live in house was the best part of Coding House. It has a boot-camp feel without feeling to strict. Yes, you are crammed into bunk beds, yes people snore, but that person above you is counting on waking them up because you two have a project to finish before class starts. You form bonds, teams and lifetime friends. I still skype with my Coding House alum and we are great friends! Second half is the hardest part. Self-motivation is key. While still learning it’s time to show off some skills, time to build some apps. These are your creations, whether you are in a team or solo, you own these. A app a week is the best method, pick something doable and stick with it. Polish the app, no bugs or quirks. These are for your portfolio, I’ve shown my Coding House apps off at interviews and people are impressed. Why Coding House: Coding House is expensive, but why chose it over a competitor? Key thing is they are all expensive. What you get with Coding House is relatively the same with other boot camps in terms of course work. There are some differences, but mainly tech stacks don’t change. My reason for Coding House was the live in factor. I wanted that immersion, I always felt in college if I had my classes 7 days a week for 1 month per class I would preform better than with a more relaxed schedule. I work well under pressure and love the challenge it provides. This isn't for everyone, but being able to wake up, jump downstairs and stay late into the night programming was perfect. Instructors sometimes stay late, and you are guaranteed to find help from your peers as they are all doing the same thing. This is what I loved. The other best part is Coding House listens, when a change is needed Nick will take note and do anything in his power to make sure it’s fixed. He cares for the success of the students and wants them to do well. A weekly survey made sure that the feedback was taken seriously. Fun Stuff: Hackathons are great! If one exists take anything you know and try to get something done at a hackathon if available. Coding House was able to take my cohort to one and a team even won! These are great to learn and make new friends. The food, food is awesome, I still think I ate better at Coding House than I do now. Summary: Coding House was challenging, inspiring and a life lesson all in one. You aren’t alone, you are taken care of and your success is only limited by your effort. I left Coding House without a job offer, but within one week after the program I was offered two jobs. I also was not looking to stay in the Bay Area, I was aiming for Seattle so it’s very much possible to carry your skills anywhere. I still work for the same company that hired me from Coding House and I really do love my job! I hope you are reading this and find it helpful!