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Reviewer Name Review Body
Anonymous Pros: With only 200 coding "camps" to choose from this one must be in the top 99.5 percent ... If at least one other camp is no better than this one. Cons: High pressure sales fed by leads in pay per click ad campaigns, selling the program on credit although terms of credit are not discolosed prior to application. Whatever lenders underwrite this class would likely underwrite others. I guess they don't want us shopping around. Vague claims about job placement should be a red flag. As other reviewers said, for some reason they are eager to sell .NET regardless a prospects' interest. Followup after a sales call suggested frustration masked by a thin film of arrogance. Most people with a minimum of sales training would likely recognize the techniques used to sell this $11,000 month of Web lessons: 1. a false delimna "If you are serious about learning to code..." (Hint: you might be serious but you want to learn at the local college or any one of scores of other for profit coding workshops) 2. flattery (enough said. A person as smart as you who reads Switchup reviews knows how flattery works) 3. create exclusivity: "If you are accepted in the next interview" 4. create scarcity: "this month's (online) class is almost full 5. an alternative close: present two alternatives, both of which involve agreeing to pay $11,000: "you can apply for next week's class or the one the week after" 6. buy now pay later: (with imaginary money you will earn from the implied benefit of receiving the training.