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Reviewer Name Review Body
Christopher Nowak Pros: +Project based, +Evolutionary approach +Mentoring with experienced developers +Good price +Simple organization +Very valuable feedbacks after project presentations +University degree Cons: -moderate community engagement -webpage lacking on design and information access, ux
Anonymous Great Mentor helps me learning coding easily explaining each and every minor details about the language.. Openclasrooms is far more better than going to traditional university wasting 4 years and thousands of dollars in debt. I would recommend openclasrooms to each and every person who is interested in learning programing from scratch..
Anonymous What attracted me to Open Classrooms was the fact that the course was project-oriented. Since I was trying to change careers, I figured this would allow me to build up a portfolio that I could use to find a job once the course was completed. The projects were very interesting to work and they covered a variety of subjects and technologies which left me feeling very confident about my ability to handle different work environments that I might come across. In addition to the courses, the weekly video chats with a mentor were very helpful. There were times throughout the course where I got stuck but the fact that I was able to ask questions and get immediate responses made things easier and gave me a boost of confidence each time I was faced with a task that I wasn't sure I would be able to complete.