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Reviewer Name Review Body
Brock Smickley As a young CS undergraduate, I was eager to explore the innovative tech industry in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was aware of the various programming bootcamps that were popping up throughout the country, but Horizons was recommended to me by my advisor. Looking back, the program was quite intense at times as it covered many different concepts and technologies. Yet, it never felt too stressful to handle and the instructors made sure to only cover tools and frameworks relevant to the current job market. The skills I acquired at Horizons didn’t just create opportunities for my career path, but they also proved helpful in understanding the CS concepts that were taught in my undergraduate studies. Upon attending Horizons, the breadth and depth in knowledge of software engineering practices along with the ability to network and communicate with the bright minds of the Bay Area contribute to one’s inculcation of the developer’s mentality. This was a rather exciting process for me.