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Reviewer Name Review Body
Anonymous Elewa Academy was a great place to learn computer programming in a small group. The teacher was very helpful and diligently helped all the students to learn the course material. The course was intense and challenging for someone with total beginner programming skills but as the course went on, the course material became easier to understand. What I liked in the course was the abstract thinking approach rather jumping to technical discussion right away. You will learn how to solve a coding problem as a series of steps. Overall, you learn to plan your code more than anything and finally you will actually write the code after a careful thought process with the group. You will have lessons where you learn the overall picture of the new topic, then you deep dive into it and start writing code related to it. The teacher was always listening to the group in terms of the material we learned and he was very flexible in changing the pace and the material according to our needs. In the end, you will have a final project where you plan and write your own website or you can get together with your classmates and plan to code something together. A big plus in this course was the small group. We had 5 people in April batch and the group size stays close to that #. Also, the open source curriculum, which means you can see the material beforehand. Recommended course!