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Reviewer Name Review Body
Maxwell Nicholson Before Horizons, I was a typical business student with an interest in tech. Horizons transformed me into a leader with a strong grasp on technology and a powerful network. There are 3 key advantages I gained from Horizons: Skills, Network and Mindset. Skills: At Horizons I developed a strong competency in web development with JavaScript, and walked away with the ability to code my ideas into reality. I went from never writing a line of code in my life to developing software solutions for start-ups and winning Asia’s biggest student led hackathon HackUST. Network: Beyond the valuable skills I learned, I developed an extraordinary network of friends and mentors. In addition to meeting peers who now work for the top companies in the world, I met lifelong friends who provide me with constant support and encouragement. Mindset: Horizons helped me unlock my true potential. Before the program, top tier jobs and internships didn’t seem to be in reach. Now, and in large part due to the support of Horizons colleagues, I am interning at McKinsey & Co, one of the most highly sought after internships in business. Being surrounded by the best students from around the world at Horizons helped me reach beyond what I thought possible. Feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this amazing program:
Benjamin Segal At the university, you can gain a lot of knowledge but not much practice. As a student of computer science and neuroscience, I learn a lot of theory but don't gain any practical experience. The summer at Horizons allowed me to get relevant experience, meet top students in the country and make a lot of enthusiastic friends. Horizons is much more than just learning how to code. It allows you to build the right connection for the entrepreneurship world. I would highly recommend anyone interested in tech field or product management to take a summer at Horizons.