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Reviewer Name Review Body
May Oh man, I could write a whole novel about how much I loved my experience. Horizons has given me the tools to grow my skills and passion for technology and entrepreneurship in a way that I never anticipated. The summer of learning cutting-edge web/mobile dev, networking with amazing companies and fellow Horizonites, and bonding in a community of amazing students with like-minded interests (who have also gone on to intern at the best tech companies because of Horizons) gave me a solid leg-up in my tech career. Because of the amazing things you build (replicas of Facebook, Yelp, Trello, are just among a few of the projects you build each week) and the extremely talented and brilliant instructors, you'll come out of this school feeling like you learned more in 2 months than you've ever learned in college. Seriously, once I started recruiting for a software engineering internship, I realized that because of Horizons, I not only was getting way more interest from companies than my peers, but also I was much more prepared for the technical interviews. It was in large part because of what I learned and built at Horizons that I have now gone on as a software engineering summer intern at a Fortune 500 company and have also transferred from my liberal arts college to Northwestern's engineering school for CS. Mainly, the network you build for both life and entrepreneurial ventures is invaluable. I have met lifelong friends and potential startup co-founders and out in the tech world at recruiting events, I have realized that Horizons alumni look out for one another and are proud of their shared experience at Horizons. Also, the co-founders Abhi and Darwish are some of the kindest and most caring people I have ever met. Abhi has mentored me continuously (whenever I reach out to him, he always finds time to talk with me), and I have even asked him to my school to give a talk because he has so much to offer in terms of solid career advice. Abhi and Darwish are very good people who work very hard (they're always the last to leave the building because they're so dedicated to Horizons), and how they manage to maintain mentoring Horizonites while simulatenously keeping Horizons so efficient and productive is beyond me. This has truly been a cornerstone experience of my life and education, and I can't recommend Horizons highly enough to anyone who is interested in entrepreneuship, learning web/mobile dev, or just want to stand out and get a leg up on technical internships/jobs. Definitely apply - you seriously won't regret it.