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Reviewer Name Review Body
Ryan Justin Before I joined this bootcamp, I have worked professionally as a Java Developer for more than 7 years. One day, I was searching for information to learn more about frontend tools and technologies so that I can pursue a career as a full stack developer and I came across Tortuga Coders. I took a leap of faith enrolling and fast forward to today, I do not regret my decision at all! I learned a great deal of modern tools and technologies within the first three weeks, such as: modern Javascript (including ES6 syntax), jQuery, Bootstrap and User Interface Design, NodeJs, MongoDB, and more (Angular, Vue, React) for the next month. A typical class is usually started with lecture in the morning and then after that we will be given exercise / coding challenge to further reinforce the concept that was being taught. One thing that I liked from this course that it is sooo up to date with the modern technology, such that we do not waste time learning old technology. For example, we learned so much about Promises and not so much on callback, as Promises is newer and better than callback. Tony, the instructor, is a great instructor. He is very friendly and knowledgeable and he knows what is in the trend and best practices. Some of the people / skeptics might argue that we can learn about all this stuffs from Google / API documentation / etc. Well, my answer to them is sure, you can learn all of it from Internet. But you will not be learning best practice of writing codes, for example what is the best way to refactor your code, and you will not be doing a lot of coding on your own. This course will teach you best practices and indirectly force you to write codes on your own (by doing pre-course challenge, mini challenge, project, etc). One thing to improve in this course is probably the duration, as the duration is only 2 months so it is very hard to cover everything in the course, considering the amount of materials to be covered, so a lot of self studies and self explorations are also required. Also, ideally, the course should be divided into basic and intermediate / advanced level, as participants for this course come from various backgrounds (some people might have never coded before).