Respond to a Review

Responses should answer questions and address concerns raised in the review or clarify information about your school. Once we authenticate that you are an official school representative, we will publish your response under the corresponding review. Each review is limited to one response, but you may submit a new response to replace the previous one. Please restrict comments to addressing the content of the review in question and refrain from including advertising/promotional material or unrelated exchanges. Official representatives will have the option to make a contact email available, but please avoid directing users from our site through other means.

Reviewer Name Review Body
Anonymous Wanted to take an in-person course to learn more about UI and UX. Ended up being an online course. Class outline and expectations were never clear. Instructor had excuses for coming in late all the time and/or moving the class to be online. It felt as though he didn't plan classes ahead of time and would just wing it. Very disorganized. I don't feel like I learned much than what I knew before. I ended up going out of my way to teach myself how to use certain programs and learn UI/UX. Total waste of time and money.