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Reviewer Name Review Body
Anonymous Success in this program depends entirely on one's ability to listen, absorb, and implement the knowledge provided. And let me tell you, there is knowledge provided in this program. If SecureSet were a Hogwarts house, it'd be RavenClaw. Okay, maybe there might be a Severus Snape or two on staff, but in all actuality Snape wasn't really all that bad, anyway. He taught the most valuable lessons, in the end. Regardless, this program is designed to draw out student potential via strategically selected instructors who both are highly qualified and knowledgeable as well as sensitive to human error and struggle. The staff and instructors truly care about their students. Scott is the career adviser at Denver location, and I was truly impressed by the long hours and extensive effort he put into making sure all of us knew what to do when networking and looking for jobs. I was also impressed with the countless resources and information he was able to provide to us on a daily basis. Irving, the campus director, went above and beyond to not only make sure his students were doing well, but to also be proactive in various campus events in the spirit of camaraderie. Likewise for the instructors: Rick, Alan, Nathan, Andrew, Blake, Ajay, Mohamed, and Ken--all of these individuals had a pivotal role in my journey towards getting a job in cybersecurity. I would not have been able to do it without their mentorship, instruction, and encouragement. Many of my friends and family still tell me they don't understand how I transitioned from a struggling psychology intern to a successful associate security consultant at a highly reputable cybersecurity agency within a single year. Well ... with an exemplary staff such as at SecureSet, it wasn't that hard. I just had to listen. Thanks, guys. -JP
Anonymous Secure|Set provides excellent hands-on and lecture in the cyber security profession. Kimberly at Secure|Set Academy has so many relationships with hiring managers and can bring those in to interface with students, creating a way for students to find not only jobs, but mid or even senior positions within the industry.