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Reviewer Name Review Body
Anonymous Coding bootcamps are designed to be extremely challenging, fast paced, and rewarding. If you prefer watching YouTube tutorials and working on coding challenges at a leisurely pace, the full-time program probably isn’t for you. The instructors will explain a concept, demonstrate how to implement the concept with code, and then give you coding challenges to further ingrain the concept into your brain. Code Platoon does an excellent job preparing you for a career in software development. You’ll have access to career coaches, weekly “soft skills” briefings, and meetings with potential employers. Additionally, there have TA that will assist you with any challenges you may face. Though it’s a long and challenging program, the results are undeniable. You’ll have the knowledge, skill, and ability to create full-stack applications. If you’re on-the-fence about whether or not to enroll in the full-time program – just do it! This program is definitely worth it.
Bek Zhuma Value: • CodePlatoon (CP) offers best value for money - no other bootcamp can match that. Career Prospects: • If you are thinking of applying through Job Boards or companies' career postings - you are doing it wrong. You will be among hundreds of applicants for entry-level positions (college grads with Computer Science degrees, other bootcamp grads, and other junior engineers). • The best way of getting a job is through your network! A lot of times great positions in good companies are unadvertised and/or are filled through referrals. • CP has a massive network of staff, alumni and volunteers who are professional software engineers. Once you graduate, they become a part of YOUR network. Instructors and Volunteers: • Since CP is tailored for veterans and their spouses - it is a very exclusive bootcamp and class sizes are small. • You can get attention and assistance from several full-time instructors, teaching assistants, volunteers. • For example, during a normal day I could ask for help from 2 instructors and at least 5 TA's - all for a class of 20 students. Compare that with a bootcamp where you are a one of a 100 other students. Curriculum: • No video tutorials, no fluff, just the stuff you need for work. • A lot of hands-on programming and exercises! • The curriculum is always evolving - to adapt to job market requirements, and with the feedback from prior students. Internship Program (for Chicago students): • This is the secret sauce – you get to interview with the best companies in Chicago and get a shot of landing an internship with them immediately after graduation. • The best part is that they come to you! They come to Code Platoon and interview you! • I have never ever heard of any other bootcamp or even CS grads getting such an opportunity.