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Reviewer Name Review Body
Anonymous ALL THOSE CONSIDERING THIS COURSE...PLEASE READ! The skills learned in this course are very translatable and useful to the industry. You leave with a knowledge base unparalleled to that of other courses. The instructors are dedicated and willing to put in the time and effort to get you to where you need to be. HOWEVER!!! IF YOU HAVE NO EXPERIENCE IN THIS FIELD WHATSOEVER, I highly recommend reconsidering your application here. The pace is breakneck and I saw people with varying levels of experience have an extremely difficult time. Will you get through it? Probably. but the issue is information retention. If you are set on taking this course, do yourself a favor and: 1. look or ask about the specific topics covered in the course, at least for the first two months 2. take some courses on Udemy or edX on those topics. 3. There are some great textbooks out there (Intro to Java Programming, OCA Study Guide) 4. PUT IN THE TIME BEFOREHAND. STRESSING THIS! 3. Youtube is a great resource (however can be dangerous) to explain topics further. Most other bootcamps are about 6 months. There is a reason for this. The amount of material to be covered is vast and growing daily. Do yourself a favor and put in the work beforehand, or reconsider your decision. Prework will get you past week 1. you have close to 4 more months after that. You are about to dedicate 4+ months to 24/7 coding. Possibly relocate and go without income unless you are lucky enough to be one of those who have VA benefits. It is not a decision to take lightly. Do not go in blind. The result of the class, like many other experiences, hinges on what you put into it. The information is there, and the instructors are ready and willing to put you first. But the most important question is "are you ready and ABLE to take it all in?" I write this because I've seen many people not be able to reap the full benefits of this course, of which the benefits are many. It is stated that this course in a "no prior experience necessary". I disagree. My CS degree from undergrad was helpful here and there. My C++ experience was helpful, but at the same time confusing due to how "strict" Java is. If this scared you off... well, good. It is not for everyone. Be humble because this course will humble you quick. If it didn't scare you off, then you're perfect for this course. Go forth and conquer.