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Reviewer Name Review Body
Brenna Harden I truly loved my time at Devmountain. My skill set grew measurably over the course of the bootcamp at a ridiculous rate. More than that however, I have changed as a student. I feel empowered to continue learning on my own-- no longer limited to what courses I can afford or fit in to my schedule. My cohort was entirely remote due to COVID-19, but the enthusiasm of the faculty and staff at Devmountain still shone through. I love Devmountain!

I was working my way thru various self learning sites like Udemy, freecodecamp, etc..., but had a hard time with my focus and what to learn next. Although they were great ways to learn, Devmountain really helped add structure and answer questions I would have struggled to answer myself. From the beginning they are there for you and really help in breaking down complex problems so that you really understand whats going on with the code. I am very happy with my choice of attending their remote program, but keep in mind you get what you are willing to put into it. If you're not willing to work hard with extra hours you will struggle. They are essentially shoving a year or so worth of knowledge down your throat in 3 months so be prepared to be confused and willing to put in the extra work to fully understand it all.