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Reviewer Name Review Body
Anonymous The program was crammed and rushed. Too many topics were covered superficially just for the sake of saying they were included. Near the end of the course, we were given a homework exercise in React that most students couldn't complete. Then we were told there was no solution available in the repository for us to examine because Trilogy hadn't updated it with the current syntax yet. Is this professional? This program may be advertised as suitable for career changers, but don't buy that for one minute. People without a deep IT background are likely to drown in this program. I had years of prior exposure to coding in VBA and SQL, but I didn't have an IT degree or work in IT. I couldn't handle the pace of this program. At completion, I never even considered looking for work in the field because I knew I was woefully unprepared. I thought it was safe to enroll in this course because of Rutgers' reputation. I never expected Rutgers would lend its name to a program so haphazardly run by an outside organization. My advice is to steer clear and save your money.