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Responses should answer questions and address concerns raised in the review or clarify information about your school. Once we authenticate that you are an official school representative, we will publish your response under the corresponding review. Each review is limited to one response, but you may submit a new response to replace the previous one. Please restrict comments to addressing the content of the review in question and refrain from including advertising/promotional material or unrelated exchanges. Official representatives will have the option to make a contact email available, but please avoid directing users from our site through other means.

Reviewer Name Review Body
Francis Swayze Pros: + The course is designed well and is an incredibly effective way to learn a lot about coding and web development in a short amount of time. I entered App Academy with no coding experience or technical background, and graduated with a ton of practical skills. + Amazing Teaching Assistants. All the technical staff at AA know their stuff and want you to succeed. Pro/Con: + Whether this is a pro or con depends on what motivates you, but the possibility of dismissal for failing two assessments adds a significant amount of stress. For me, this stress made the program more effective. I would keep studying for tests long after I was 'ready' for them, which lead to a greater mastery of the material.
Anonymous App Academy's full stack web development course is tough, but perfect for anyone who wants to seriously boost their code knowledge. TA's and fellow students were always eager to offer assistance, and the curriculum really teaches a student how to learn.