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Reviewer Name Review Body

Data science is a broad field with many components. The advantage of the bootcamp is that it gives you a taste of a lot of different things, so when there is a concept or topic that piques your interest, you know that is where to focus your continued learning on your own once you are done with the program. Various studies have cited that 70–85% of people are in their current position due to networking (source). This is a point that is hammered home throughout the bootcamp experience by instructors and career coaches. A bootcamp itself can be seen as a 12-week long networking event. In a few short months, you can become a full-blown data scientist. One with limited experience, but one with marketable skills and project experience that can help you find a job. This is one of the major advantages that bootcamps have over masters programs. Bootcamps are becoming more and more popular, which makes them an increasingly viable alternative to a postgraduate degree from the perspective of an employer. Depending on the industry you want to go into, you can get there with a great education in a fraction of the time.

Firangiz Gurbanova

I think that the duration of the course is sufficient to acquire relevant knowledge given in the syllabus. Moreover the teachers are standing out by being professionals of their field and having wide experiences. Time of the lessons are also adapted to students’ choices and all requests of students are taken to the account.