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Reviewer Name Review Body
Peter Anderson

I can honestly say that a/A was a great choice. Are they perfect? No. The homework was intense and sometimes had spelling errors which distracted, and the lectures could be long, but the staff support and projects were absolutely incredible. Their goal was to make sure each student understood the material and could build something themselves which they could then take into the job market. I've had friends do other bootcamps and I'm amazed at how well put together a/A is compared to other programs. I have to admit that it was one of the most stressful times of my life. I started at 7:30am, studied until class at 9am MST, class until 6pm, 1.5 hours for dinner, and then study until 10pm. I did this every single day, 6 days a week for 6 months. It is not for the faint of heart. I did this with 4 kids so it is possible if you have a family. I'm glad to actually have skills that I can take into the market. Good luck! App Academy is a good choice.

Robert C Vogtritter

Hello all future software engineer and developers, If you're looking for a Bootcamp that offers problem solving, structure, and excitement; You're reading the right review! The last 6 months at App Academy have been amazing. I went from knowing nothing about coding (complete beginner) to an accomplished full stack graduate. I have made a dozen friends and of those dozen, 3- 4 will be permanent friends that I will continue to support throughout my career. The staff at App Academy is top tier, they're personable, smart, and accurate. The camp really helped me overcome my struggles with problem solving. I feel much more comfortable and can easily pair with anyone to complete a task. I recommend eating well, studying daily, and taking time to rest. I wouldn't give up my experiences at App Academy for the world.