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Reviewer Name Review Body

Pros: While the entire bootcamp was completely remote, I had never felt isolated from day 1 because it's been a jam packed learning schedule right from the very beginning with a huge emphasis on pair programming and team work. The three months were undoubtedly intense and not for the uncommitted. While it wasn't uncommon to code 10-12 hours a day because you just want to learn as much as you can after the day ends, the makers team encouraged students to make sure they take time to unwind and there are daily meditation sessions facilitated by the Chief Joy Officer, Dana. Personally I enjoyed the bootcamp for its ways of teaching us 'how to learn', rather than spoon-feeding us information or tutorials to follow. That meant at the end of it all, I am now confident I can pick up any new framework or language by referring to documentation and any resources out there. The technical coaches at Makers ensure this by being available to students at all times, however their method is always to guide you to find the solution yourself, rather than giving it straight to you. 7 weeks from graduation I have received two offers from non-Makers partners and will be starting my new career in a week. When the course ended there are ongoing support from the career coaches and partnerships team to help with job applications and if appropriate, being introduced to Makers' hiring partners. Cons: As I wasn't based in London, the partners weren't right for me even if the opportunities were part-remote. I felt it was harder for me to find the right roles than others in my cohort due to my location in the midlands. However like any job, in the end I was able to find the right opportunity by persevering and speaking to quite a few companies. Ultimately I felt what Makers instilled in me prepared me well for the interviews.