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Reviewer Name Review Body
Michael Moulton

General description I'm currently a student with 1 week left taking the python stack. I'm pretty ADHD, so I naturally struggle when it comes to studying, but when I bring myself to actually study, the material rocks. It's pretty straight forward. It's set up in a way to give you the basics, and introduce some more advanced (yet still basic) concepts of how you can write your code differently, and overall just better. The reason they set it up this way is so that you will be forced to learn how to teach yourself, because if you want to be a real programmer in the real world doing real things, you HAVE to learn what your information resources are that you can call upon whenever you get stuck/run into a problem. The more you run into stuff like that the more it becomes like clockwork. You understand what to type in your search engines, how to look up examples, the actual MDS for the languages themselves, youtube, google, stack overflow, other websites. It kind of sucks at first being thrown into the chaos all at once but you're not left to drown. They have a basic 20 minute rule system: Struggle with it for 20 minutes on your own... after that ask a fellow class mate, maybe work on it together (Which is great because on a real team of developers you'll need to be communicating and explaining what your code is, why you're doing it the way you are..{8 times out of ten just while you're explaining your issue and what your code is doing you see why it isn't broken and can fix it right there}.) If you're still struggling after that you have a discord room with plenty of TA's to help you solve your problem, and if it's during hours your teacher is there to help you as well... even after hours the teachers have gotten back to me so... pretty solid system. You just have to learn to not be prideful and set a timer so you don't spend an entire day trying to solve one problem... as fun as it can be, especially when you're having progress... You're still going to end up with a very similar answer... question is, do you want to take 20 minutes, or 6 hours? It's all on you to make big boy/girl decisions. I was able to apply and win a scholarship from their program so that helped out with tuition. They have pretty straightforward tuition loans through a 3rd party bank but it's like they are in control of the loan so if they need to update it then that's fine. Basically you have 6 months after you graduate before interest comes in and the interest is HIGH... but if you start paying that off as priority just as the minimum payments due each month then it'll probably cost you total about 22-25 thousand dollars once that's all paid for. Otherwise If you're like me and just get stuff paid off ASAP depending on the job you land after you could have that paid off at like 18-20k USD... heck maybe even closer to 16k USD... Just depends on your situation. Word of advice. Don't be working a job or doing anything else if you're doing the full time program or I promise you you won't make it. This is your job, this is your education... this is ALL you do. But if you're some person with lots of experience in programming then you probably could pull that off. I had a bit of experience, and I know I couldn't do it If I had other responsibilities. For Job Support it seems pretty good and I haven't used it yet so i just put 3 stars because I honestly don't know. If I can update this review later I'll change that to whatever I actually experienced. Pros? - Teaches you how to work in a group - Teaches you latest industry standards and programming software/languages being used by the majority of jobs hiring. They're constantly updating their curriculum, and in some cases remove entire curriculums and replace it with another framework (i.e. django, or flask) or programming language as the business side of this necessary education changes.. so you can trust what you're learning is actually what you'll be using! - You'll learn how to learn any language or framework you're faced with in the future, and as scary as that sounds... in this field people at the same company will be learning new languages or software or frameworks etc. once a year... but the languages are pretty interchangeable... the concept never really changes of what you have to do, but the syntax does... so it's much easier to learn another programming language than it would be to learn your 2nd or 3rd spoken language (English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, whatever). After you get one language down you could learn to write the same program in python, except in C# or Javascript in the same day... maybe 2 or 3 if it's a much larger project. Better than taking another 4 months or year. I honestly could go on and on about all the pros of this camp. Cons? I honestly can't think of any. I can promise you however that your experience will be determined by your motivation to learn this stuff. If you don't care about programing or full stack development or have no real interest or purpose for why you're learning it... to suddenly be thrown into a program that requires you to be studying 70-80 hours a week is going to suck for you. If you don't know how to study, or haven't studied anything for like 10+ years, and your brain isn't used to having to learn so much in such little time, you are going to struggle because the brain is just like a muscle.. you use certain parts of it for different things... learning something like programming is going to make you mentally tired if you're not used to it. All I can say is if you're committed and know this is the field you want to work in (which honestly there are over 155 different job fields so take your pick and hop around... it's all programming in the end.). For me personally I want to get into video game development, and this is a stepping stone in that direction but I don't want to go spend 4-6 years at a university before I go apply for a job... This is one way to do that. Also if you learn how to learn this stuff and where to look it up there's litterally nothing to stop you from having an idea... building that idea on your computer... and then turning that into a marketable product or business, which resolves my other goal: I WANT TO OWN MY OWN BUSINESS. And if you factor in how much overhead the average business has compared to a programmer business? You have the cost of your computer.... and whatever other software or services you want to purchase related to your field... But then in any other business you have to rent or own a building, hire employees, pay for all their equipment they use, all the machines or devices required to manufacture whatever it is you're manufacturing... We're talking Millions of dollars just to start. I bought a new computer with all the parts I'll need to make a pretty decent video game for roughly $4,000 USD. That includes my computer, my monitors, my desk, my chair, and the standing treadmill under my desk when I want to move the chair away and walk while I work. You tell me which has the greater risk? Then If I make one program that 100,000's of millions of people around the world need and they all paid whatever it's worth... 1 dollar... well you got 100 million dollars, and after you pay whatever platform you launched it on and any other employees working for you on the project.. if you're the only business owner getting all the remaining profits after taxes, you're still walking away with 60-80 million of that 100 million. Then if it threatens some major corporation with a monopoly on the market you either stay and competed or sell it to them for $500,000 million USD. All you have to do is STUDY... and APPLY, and there's nothing more rewarding than seeing the exact thing you just learned, applied to your idea, and immediately seeing result to the question, "why is it important I learn/do this?" You're not going to get that at a university that simply forces you to replicate programs... it'll help you on your way no doubt, but when it comes to real world experience and applying what you learned for your future employer... This bootcamp does that! Hardly a con eh?