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Reviewer Name Review Body
Punit Dharmadhikari

Up until December 2020, I was feeling lost in my career. I was in a job that wasn't working for me. In January 2021, after doing some research, I was approached by a Coder Academy staff who introduced me to the Coder Academy experience and helped me enrol. I have to say these were the best 6 months I've ever spent. I'm feeling much more confident about my career, having acquired new job-ready skills. I've already got a few interviews lined up even though my course is not fully finished yet. Coder Academy has opened up a lot of doors for me to move forward and I will always be thankful and grateful for the amazing learning experience and value I have received from this bootcamp.


Like anything, you get out what you put in. Being in a course like this ensures your brain is on code 24/7, with great instructors like Ed, Harrison, Daniel and Jurek, learning was a pleasant task. On the whole, I found the experience to be very positive, students who had a high GIT commit count tended to do best. 😉