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Reviewer Name Review Body

Backend Development with Python and SQL, Python Fundamentals: I had very brief Python exposure in my Computer Science program, our language was Java, but also, this was 7 years ago and I've since grown rusty in programming altogether.  I worked for a big multinational tech firm in the last 7 years,  but for projects where I felt I needed to improve my programming skills to 'get ahead'.   I want to become a 'programming-based tester' if I go back into Testing (Python Selenium), or alternatively build up to Python dev freelance work, or (Data Sci work) Dashboard Developer.  Every direction I'd want to go involves Python, even animation projects in Maya for fun.    NuCamp,   *far* exceeded my expectations for my goals.   The cadence of once a week workshops, well-designed work assignments, and encouraging instruction on my day off,  really gave me the push and guidance to learn *a LOT* in a short amount of time, but never felt "stuck" for too long.  So it was a wonderful experience of legitimate up-skilling.  I'm now very comfortable with coding in Python, after a quite intense 5 weeks, and will definitely  continue the momentum upwards provided by NuCamp.  Thank you!!!