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Software Development Academy

Online, Białystok, Gdynia, Gdańsk, +36 more.
Bydgoszcz, Katowice, Krakow, Lublin, Łódź, Poznań, Szczecin, Toruń, Wrocław, Częstochowa, Gliwice, Opole, Rzeszów, Warszawa, Zielona Góra, Tirana, Korca, Prague, Tartu, Tallinn, Riga, Kaunas, Vilnius, Manila, Warsaw, Oradea, Arad, Craiova, Galați, Bucharest, Timișoara, Iași, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța, Bratislava, Trójmiasto

About Software Development Academy

Location: Online, Białystok, Gdynia, Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz, Katowice, Krakow, Lublin, Łódź, Poznań, Szczecin, Toruń, Wrocław, Częstochowa, Gliwice, Opole, Rzeszów, Warszawa, Zielona Góra, Tirana, Korca, Prague, Tartu, Tallinn, Riga, Kaunas, Vilnius, Manila, Warsaw, Oradea, Arad, Craiova, Galați, Bucharest, Timișoara, Iași, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța, Bratislava, Trójmiasto

Software Development Academy is the first programming academy in Poland and the largest in the CEE offering training profiled for the needs of the ICT market. SDA offers Java, .NET, JavaScript, C, C#, Python, PHP, HTML and C++ courses in the evening or... Read More

Trainers at SDA are genuine practitioners with years of experience in their trade, and have teaching skills as well. Students are expected to have the ability of analytical and logical thinking, motivation and involvement, availability, teamwork and English skills.

Software Development Academy is also a reliable partner in upskilling, reskilling and recruitment processes of entire teams. By combining technological and industry knowledge, SDA trainings provide companies with unique value, increasing employee efficiency and stimulating business development.


Automation Tester - Poland

Locations: Online, Białystok, Gdynia, Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz, Katowice, Krakow, Lublin, Łódź, Poznań, Szczecin, Toruń, Wrocław, Częstochowa, Gliwice, Opole, Rzeszów, Warszawa, Zielona Góra
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

For years, the IT industry has to deal with a large deficit of employees. Not only programmers are missing, but also testers. Therefore, on our course you can gain knowledge that will allow you to start working as an automation tester! Working as an automation tester will allow you to develop comprehensively, both in the field of software testing, testing mobile applications and programming.

During the course you will learn the basics of Java programming and the modest and popular test automation tools. You will automate key business scenarios, participate in the improvement of manual and automated testing processes, and support developers in their daily work.

Software Testing

Data Science - Albania

Locations: Online, Tirana, Korca
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Want to land the sexiest job of the 21st century? This course will give you the fundamentals of data science and how you how to use advanced machine learning methods to find hidden insights in massive data sets. "System tools are a collection of useful techniques for operating your system with commands.

Every self-respecting Data Scientist should know how to operate the console and we will teach you how to do it.

You will also learn how to use the GIT version control system that allows smooth collaboration in a team. Data Science is based entirely on mathematics. This module will help you understand the operations performed with the Numpy library, where you can calculate basic operations from linear algebra (operations on vectors/matrices).

In the second part, you will learn about probability - for example, why tests with a 90% success rate need to be repeated.

Data Science

Data Science - Czech Republic

Locations: Online, Prague
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Want to land the sexiest job of the 21st century? This course will give you the fundamentals of data science and how you how to use advanced machine learning methods to find hidden insights in massive data sets. "System tools are a collection of useful techniques for operating your system with commands.

Every self-respecting Data Scientist should know how to operate the console and we will teach you how to do it.

You will also learn how to use the GIT version control system that allows smooth collaboration in a team. Data Science is based entirely on mathematics. This module will help you understand the operations performed with the Numpy library, where you can calculate basic operations from linear algebra (operations on vectors/matrices).

In the second part, you will learn about probability - for example, why tests with a 90% success rate need to be repeated.

Data Science

Data Science - Estonia

Locations: Online, Tartu, Tallinn
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Want to land the sexiest job of the 21st century? This course will give you the fundamentals of data science and how you how to use advanced machine learning methods to find hidden insights in massive data sets. "System tools are a collection of useful techniques for operating your system with commands.

Every self-respecting Data Scientist should know how to operate the console and we will teach you how to do it.

You will also learn how to use the GIT version control system that allows smooth collaboration in a team. Data Science is based entirely on mathematics. This module will help you understand the operations performed with the Numpy library, where you can calculate basic operations from linear algebra (operations on vectors/matrices).

In the second part, you will learn about probability - for example, why tests with a 90% success rate need to be repeated.

Data Science

Data Science - Latvia

Locations: Online, Riga
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Want to land the sexiest job of the 21st century? This course will give you the fundamentals of data science and how you how to use advanced machine learning methods to find hidden insights in massive data sets. "System tools are a collection of useful techniques for operating your system with commands.

Every self-respecting Data Scientist should know how to operate the console and we will teach you how to do it.

You will also learn how to use the GIT version control system that allows smooth collaboration in a team. Data Science is based entirely on mathematics. This module will help you understand the operations performed with the Numpy library, where you can calculate basic operations from linear algebra (operations on vectors/matrices).

In the second part, you will learn about probability - for example, why tests with a 90% success rate need to be repeated.

Data Science

Data Science - Lithuania

Locations: Online, Kaunas, Vilnius
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Want to land the sexiest job of the 21st century? This course will give you the fundamentals of data science and how you how to use advanced machine learning methods to find hidden insights in massive data sets. "System tools are a collection of useful techniques for operating your system with commands.

Every self-respecting Data Scientist should know how to operate the console and we will teach you how to do it.

You will also learn how to use the GIT version control system that allows smooth collaboration in a team. Data Science is based entirely on mathematics. This module will help you understand the operations performed with the Numpy library, where you can calculate basic operations from linear algebra (operations on vectors/matrices).

In the second part, you will learn about probability - for example, why tests with a 90% success rate need to be repeated.

Data Science

Data Science - Philippines

Locations: Online, Manila
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Want to land the sexiest job of the 21st century? This course will give you the fundamentals of data science and how you how to use advanced machine learning methods to find hidden insights in massive data sets. "System tools are a collection of useful techniques for operating your system with commands.

Every self-respecting Data Scientist should know how to operate the console and we will teach you how to do it.

You will also learn how to use the GIT version control system that allows smooth collaboration in a team. Data Science is based entirely on mathematics. This module will help you understand the operations performed with the Numpy library, where you can calculate basic operations from linear algebra (operations on vectors/matrices).

In the second part, you will learn about probability - for example, why tests with a 90% success rate need to be repeated.

Data Science

Data Science - Poland

Locations: Online, Bydgoszcz, Katowice, Krakow, Lublin, Łódź, Poznań, Szczecin, Toruń, Warsaw, Wrocław, Częstochowa, Gliwice, Opole, Rzeszów, Warszawa, Zielona Góra, Białystok, Gdynia, Gdańsk
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Want to land the sexiest job of the 21st century? This course will give you the fundamentals of data science and how you how to use advanced machine learning methods to find hidden insights in massive data sets. "System tools are a collection of useful techniques for operating your system with commands.

Every self-respecting Data Scientist should know how to operate the console and we will teach you how to do it.

You will also learn how to use the GIT version control system that allows smooth collaboration in a team. Data Science is based entirely on mathematics. This module will help you understand the operations performed with the Numpy library, where you can calculate basic operations from linear algebra (operations on vectors/matrices).

In the second part, you will learn about probability - for example, why tests with a 90% success rate need to be repeated.

Data Science

Data Science - Romania

Locations: Online, Oradea, Arad, Craiova, Galați, Bucharest, Timișoara, Iași, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Want to land the sexiest job of the 21st century? This course will give you the fundamentals of data science and how you how to use advanced machine learning methods to find hidden insights in massive data sets. "System tools are a collection of useful techniques for operating your system with commands.

Every self-respecting Data Scientist should know how to operate the console and we will teach you how to do it.

You will also learn how to use the GIT version control system that allows smooth collaboration in a team. Data Science is based entirely on mathematics. This module will help you understand the operations performed with the Numpy library, where you can calculate basic operations from linear algebra (operations on vectors/matrices).

In the second part, you will learn about probability - for example, why tests with a 90% success rate need to be repeated.

Data Science

Data Science - Slovakia

Locations: Online, Bratislava
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Want to land the sexiest job of the 21st century? This course will give you the fundamentals of data science and how you how to use advanced machine learning methods to find hidden insights in massive data sets. "System tools are a collection of useful techniques for operating your system with commands.

Every self-respecting Data Scientist should know how to operate the console and we will teach you how to do it.

You will also learn how to use the GIT version control system that allows smooth collaboration in a team. Data Science is based entirely on mathematics. This module will help you understand the operations performed with the Numpy library, where you can calculate basic operations from linear algebra (operations on vectors/matrices).

In the second part, you will learn about probability - for example, why tests with a 90% success rate need to be repeated.

Software Development Academy Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

Software Development Academy logo

4.67/5 (505 reviews)

Braniște Ionuț
Software Tester | Graduated: 2024


Software Tester - Romania



Job Support

"The Best experience"

A fost cea mai plăcută experiență legat de curs, am avut profesori foarte buni, explicațiile au fost la locul lor, totul a fost excelent organizat, recomand cu toată încrederea acest curs tuturor, sper sa fie plăcut pentru toți la fel cum a fost pentru... Read More

Junior Java Developer | Graduated: 2024


Java - Poland



Job Support

"kurs Java w SDA"

Zakończyłem kurs Java w SDA.

Mam całkiem dobre wrażenia.
Program zaprojektowany tak, żeby nauczyć studentów podstawowych narzędzi Java, które są obecnie wykorzystywane w tworzeniu oprogramowania. Ponadto kurs obejmował również elementy front-endu i baz... Read More

Kilka wskazówek z mojego doświadczenia:
- od razu powiedzieć sobie, że oprócz zajęć z trenerem trzeba przeznaczyć także kawał czasu na samodzielne treningi. Na zajęciach wypowiada się dużo materiału, trzeba go zapamiętać, przyswoić i przećwiczyć. Jeśli będziesz tylko słuchać i nie ćwiczyć, nie będziesz w stanie niczego opanować.
- Dobrym pomysłem jest także podjęcie próby zapoznania się z tematem przed zajęciami. Często są to skomplikowane rzeczy i niezależnie od tego, jak doskonale trener wyjaśnia, trudno jest od razu zrozumieć całą istotę. Jeśli jest to już chociaż trochę znajome i od samego początku rozumiesz, o czym mówią, lekcja będzie znacznie skuteczniejsza.
- jeśli chcesz zrobić dobry projekt końcowy, przygotuj się na długą pracę.

Oprócz samego kursu wykupiłem pakiet „Gwarancja pracy”. Zawierało:
- kilka grupowych zajęć HR
- szczegółowe informacje o tym, co należy zrobić, aby zwiększyć szanse na znalezienie pracy (jak napisać CV, wypełnić profil na LinkedIn, gdzie szukać ofert pracy, budować sieć kontaktów itp.). Dodatkowo odbyła się rozmowa próbna soft skills.
System jest taki, że wszystko robisz sam, nikt nie napisze za Ciebie CV. ALE!
Dzieje się to całkowicie pod okiem doradcy kariery, który ocenia to, co zrobiłeś i radzi, co można poprawić (np. przy stworzeniu CV). I oprócz tego, zawsze można poprosić o poradę.
Ty też musisz być przygotowany, że będziesz musiał na to poświęcić czas. Ale teraz ja widzę, że bez takiego wsparcia sam zrobiłbym wszystko znacznie gorzej i nie żałuję, że miałem takie wsparcie.
W tym miejscu pragnę serdecznie podziękować mojej doradcę kariery Beacie Szymańskiej. Na wszystkie moje pytania zawsze otrzymywałem szybką i jasną odpowiedź. Dzięki Beacie zrozumiałem, jak efektywniej szukać pracy, na czym się warto skupić.
Po rozmowie próbnej Beata dokonała jakościowej analizy moich odpowiedzi, zasugerowała, jak można je poprawić i udzieliła dodatkowych rad.
Ogólne mam bardzo dobre wrażenie z naszej współpracy!

Na szukanie pracy trzy miesiące, w ciągu których nadal nie udało mi się jej znaleźć. Zgodnie z umową, SDA zwróciła mi pieniądze.

Mam nadzieje, że moja opinia będzie pomocna. Powodzenia na studiach!

Bartłomiej Moń
Tester Manualny | Graduated: 2023


Software Tester - Poland



Job Support

"Kurs testera manualnego"

Zakończyłem kurs testera manualnego w SDA, który był intensywnym programem obejmującym szeroki zakres tematów. Współpracę z prowadzącymi szkolenie oceniam bardzo wysoko - były to osoby niezwykle otwarte, zawsze chętne do pomocy. W dalszej części szkolenia... Read More

software engineer | Graduated: 2020


Java from Scratch - PL



Job Support

"the best HR support I have ever received !"

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for the outstanding support I received from your HR team. From the moment I reached out for assistance, I was met with professionalism, efficiency, and genuine care. Your team's dedication to... Read More

Graduated: 2024




Job Support

"Professional reconversion"

First of all, the person who sold the course was very convincing and knew their stuff. The trainers, the handler of our group were all dedicated professionals who knew what they were talking about and empowered me that i could do it, every step of the... Read More

stoleru razvan
Graduated: 2023




Job Support

"I learned interesting and future things under the guidance of well-prepared trainers for a dream that is becoming closer and closer to reality"

I learned interesting and future things under the guidance of well-prepared trainers for a dream that is becoming closer and closer to reality. The course is organized on several modules, well structured, with many practical examples, which made the received... Read More

Robert Vladu
Java Developer | Graduated: 2023


Java - Romania



Job Support

"A good trainer do everything"

All pros nothing cons. Trainer do all hard job, the things what matters is to have a trainee good enough to work on exercises, share the screen and learn with practice not with theory. All trainers got from me 5 stars to all, they already work in programming... Read More

Hassan Ba-Omar
Java Developer | Graduated: 2023


Java - Romania



Job Support

"Exceptional experience with great support"

I would like to express my gratitude for the support provided by the trainers and project coordinator throughout the program. Their assistance was instrumental in navigating the challenges and gaining a deeper understanding of the course material. Overall,... Read More

Calin Mihai Daniel
Senior Software Test Engineer | Graduated: 2023


Software Tester - Romania



Job Support

"Experiență Profesională Remarcabilă la SDA - Cursuri IT de Excepție"

Echipa de la SDA merită toate laudele pentru angajamentul lor extraordinar în furnizarea de cursuri IT de calitate, iar experiența mea ca trainer în cadrul acestei academii a fost foarte interesantă. Interacțiunile mele cu studenții au fost pline de profesionalism... Read More

Duma Vlad Catalin
Graduated: 2023


Python - Romania



Job Support

"Pro SDA"

Totul a început de la o reclamă insistentă ca să spun așa care până la urmă m-a făcut să iau decizia de a mă înscrie la un meeting organizat de ei. Totul a decurs foarte bine, informația a fost foarte interesantă, structurată și am rămas captat și cu... Read More

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